Just In: Joe Biden Wins US Presidential Election


Joe Biden, the Democratic Party Candidate in the 2020 United States Presidential election has snatched victory from President Donald Trump.

Biden has garnered 264 electoral college votes from 23 states with only six electoral votes legally-required 270 tally to officially emerge winner of November 3 election.

The Vice President to Barack Obama hopes to perfect his victory with Nevada’s six votes.

Biden winning Nevada will make the outcome of the votes in five remaining states surplus to requirement.

The former vice-president also leads with 50.3 per cent of the popular votes to President Donlad Trump’s 48.1 per cent.

Trump is trailing behind with 214 votes. Although he has also won 23 states, his chances of returning as the 46th president are dim.

But the final results may not be known until as late as tomorrow as Trump and Biden await results from six battleground states to know the winner of this year’s quadrennial election.

The outstanding results, held up by the counting of mail-in ballots are from Alaska (three), North Carolina (15), Pennsylvania (20), Arizona (11), Georgia (16) and Nevada (6). As at press time, vote counting was still ongoing in the battleground states.

The prospect of losing his re-election bid has prompted Trump to threaten lawsuits, especially to stop the counting of mail-in ballots that he did much to deligitimise prior to Tuesday’s presidential poll.

Already, the president has headed to the Supreme Court to arrest further counting of votes from Pennsylvania.

In contradistinction to Trump’s surly mood yesterday, the former vice president was upbeat about victory as he called for patience and for all votes to count, at a press conference he addressed later yesterday.

Although Trump is leading in four of the remaining states, Biden would only need six electoral votes from one state to emerge the 46th president of the US.

Sensing he is an inch away from winning, Biden called on both Republicans and Democrats to unite in building the nation, saying there was a lot of work ahead, which would require the support of every American.


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