Kaduna Demolishes Asher Hotel Over ‘Plans to Hold Sex Party’


Asher Hotel, COVID-19, Kaduna Sex Party, KASUPDA, Sex Party
Kaduna Demolishes Asher Hotel Over ‘Plans to Hold Sex Party’ 2
The Kaduna State Urban Planning and Development Authority(KASUPDA) has demolished Asher Hotel in Barnawa area of the state over allegations of immoral act.

The agency, which is in charge of the planning and development of all urban areas in Kaduna, announced this in a tweet .

It alleged that the hotel was the proposed venue for a sex party — but a flyer attached to the tweet had no detail of the proposed location for the party.

According to the flyer, the sex party involving both outdoor and indoor activity was scheduled for December 27.

Activities lined up for the event were games, foods, grills, movies and sex.

“50 ladies ready to get down,” a caption on the flyer read.

The regular ticket for the party is billed for N2,000, VIP for N5,000 and VVIP N10,000, according to the organisers.

The state agency said the hotel violated COVID-19 guidelines. It warned that any
for such immoral act will be demolished.


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