Following the expiration of the first phase of the 2020 end of year special patrol operations, the Corps Marshal, Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Dr Boboye Oyeyemi has issued fresh and critical orders to the Corps Personnel on the urgent need to buckle up, braze up, shun compromise, and stand tall until the targeted goals which the Corps has set to achieve within the period are fully realised.

In the press release issued by the FRSC spokesman, Bisi Kazeem, the Corps Marshal while expressing satisfaction with the performance of the personnel and conduct of the motoring public in the first phase of the operations, charged the personnel to remain focused as he urged motorists to show cooperation and greater commitment to issues of road safety for maximum impact, as the second phase of the exercise commences in earnest following a successful Christmas celebration. He however lamented the fatalities recorded during the first phase of the operations. He says such crash statistics is not acceptable to the Corps and all efforts to reduce the number to the barest minimum.

Oyeyemi particularly urged the Commanding Officers to internalize the gains of the first phase of the operations and ensure that the entire workforce maintain high spirit with every bit of professionalism they have been imbibed with.

According to him, full deployment of personnel to all routes with particular emphasis to critical corridors with high vehicular movement must be sustained.

He specially thanked the stakeholders particularly members of the security agencies for joining hands with the Corps in ensuring orderliness and security in challenging areas across the country.

According to him, “FRSC will continue to remain committed to ensuring safer motoring environment through more effective management of traffic in all parts of the roads as the second phase of the exercise commences till the end of the season and even beyond”

It would be recalled that the FRSC special end of year operation codenamed, “Operation Zero Tolerance For Road Crashes,” was normally launched in early September launched to counter the perennial traffic crashes, congestion, injury and deaths that characterise the Yuletide season.

The operation covers the entire ’ember months’ and got heightened from 15 December with massive deployments of personnel, logistics and monitors from the national Headquarters of the Corps who not only complement the effort of personnel in the field commands in traffic management, but ensure compliance to operational procedures as laid down in the administrative instructions.

Recall that in an earlier statement, Kazeem stated that the Corps Marshal had expressed satisfaction with the conduct of the personnel across the country for demonstrating absolute commitment, professionalism and innovativeness in managing the massive traffic movement recorded before the Christmas celebration

This year’s exercise is expected to last till 15 January when stand down instructions would be issued by the Corps Marshal who is the Grand Commander of the entire operations.


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