The Great Gift Of Easter Is HOPE -Olumakaiye


The Diocesan & Missioner Diocese of Lagos. (Anglican Communion), His Grace, Most Rev’d Humphrey Bamisebi Olumakaiye, Ph.D has said the greatest gift of Easter is ‘HOPE’ , These were contained in a statement made available to on Sunday while celebrating the resurrection of Christ Jesus in Lagos.

In his words, Olumakaiye says, Christian hope has made us have that confidence in God, in His ultimate triumph, and in Christ goodness and love, which nothing could take from us.

The beautiful morning of Easter brings hope, light and life for humanity, saying “A man who’s completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world, It was a perfect act, Olumakaiye said.

Thus, event of Easter, our holy week, showcases the grandest, loveliest and profound act of God in saving humanity through the cross and resurrection of his only Son Jesus Christ. In it, we see the deepest hatred of the Almighty towards sin, sickness and death. We equally behold the highest love ever shown to worthless creatures, humanity.

Furthermore, Easter is all about the demonstration of God’s love and utter sacrifice in giving all for that heavens could offer for the deliverance and salvation of souls of men.

Archbishop, Diocese of Lagos (Anglican Communion) Most Rev. Bamisebi Olumakaiye, wife, Prof. Motunrayo with other clergymen.
Bishop Olumakaiye reiterated that Easter brings deliverance from sin and plagues of our world. It is God’s answer to the evil that ravages the universe. In that sacrifice, faith in that sacrifice brings ultimate triumph of good over evil.

Just as Easter stands as a symbol of God’s thunderous NO to all sinful ways, so the Church should at this time of celebration of Easter declare non-fellowship to all that pervert creation order in matter of sex and marriage. The truth of the Cross and resurrection stands sure! God frowns continually at such sin and offer healing and deliverance to sinners who are willing to accept the truth of Easter and walk in the reality thereof.

At such a time like this, when our nation is grappled in spate of violence, insecurity and economic depression, Easter is a symbol that there would be light at the tunnel in the end, and is a signpost that light will always prevail over darkness.

The celebration of Easter is a historical moment of reflection of goodness and goodwill of God for all humanity. For Nigeria, it is the thunder from heavens that the nation will prevail and out of the ruins and ashes of financial despondence, economic recession and social injustice and inequalities, we shall arise like phoenix reborn and shine forth like morning star.

As we celebrate Easter in this post-pandemic era with fortitude and resolute to get our world back to normal (or new normal), let us live the message of Easter. Let all Nigerians discard the grabs of ethnicities, nepotism, hatred, corruption. Let us live in love with our neighbors and with hope for a greater and brighter tomorrow.
let us therefore look ahead with hope and strong confidence “in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.” Amen, he concluded.


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