CWON President Dame Gonsum Mobilises Catholic Women Leaders Against COVID-19


As the third wave of COVID-19 affects the global health and economic community, Dame Mary Ashibi Gonsum, President, Catholic Women Organisation Nigeria (CWON), has engaged Catholic women leaders across the nine provinces and fifty-five dioceses of the Catholic Church in Nigeria as part of the concerted efforts to reverse the trend of the pandemic.

Speaking at CWON’s National Conference Closing Ceremony on Sunday, in Jos, she urged the respective Provincial and Diocesan Presidents of the organization nationwide to engage in sensitisation programmes at the provincial, diocesan, deanery and parish levels to curtail spread of the third wave of the coronavirus.

“The fear of COVID-19 third wave is the beginning of wisdom, the rate of the infection is again on the increase. We need to do everything necessary to stay away from getting infected. As leaders, we have to constantly be in touch with our leaders at the diocesan, deanery and parish levels to ensure they sensitise their members on the third wave of the virus and the need to stay safe.

“The guidelines are simple, we expect our members not to relent in wearing face masks, washing their hands, using hand sanitisers, maintaining social distancing among other measures, not only at meetings but wherever they are at any time. They should ensure that their families do likewise.

“The national, provincial and diocesan presidents should therefore mobilise, sensitise and convince our leaders and members at all levels especially at the Parishes to maintain COVID-19 protocols and other public health interventions such as COVID-19 risk education, prevention, presenting themselves for COVID-19 testing when necessary and take-up of a vaccination,” Dame Gonsum stated.

Noting that while some people do have valid fears and questions regarding the efficacy and safety of the vaccine, the CWON President advised the women to be careful about misinformation but rather look out for objective facts and take the vaccine.

On a final note, she prayed for recovery for those affected by the virus as well as the health workers and other professionals on the front lines of the unexpected battle. Reminding the women that God is in control, Gonsum said, “We believe God is our healer and He never fails. I’m confident that we will live and see the goodness of the Lord at the end of this pandemic.”


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