Fish Out Perpetrators Of Zango Kataf Killings – Miyetti Allah Urges Kaduna Govt


MACBAN, in a statement on Sunday, said government should bring the perpetrators to book for prosecution.

The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAN, has appealed to the Kaduna State Government to fish out perpetrators of barbaric killings in Southern Kaduna.

Malam Ibrahim Bayero Zango, the Director Media and Publicity of MACBAN in Kaduna State, said in a statement that the international community should stand as witness to the brutality, mayhem and infamy against the innocent and productive Fulani Nomads.

The Fulani condemned the viciousness and inhuman killings and destruction of property of Innocent nomads that took place in some parts Zango Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna state, particularly in some villages of Atyap Chiefdom.

“The villages are;  Ungwan Wakili, Ungwan Juju, Ungwan Gaiya, Gora Sagwaza, Antai, Asha Awuce, Gidan Zaki and Kibori.”

“We commiserate with the families of the victims and call for self restrain and calm. We are applauding the prompt action and courageous response of kaduna State Government and that of the security agencies with their demonstration of high level of professionalism.”

“The question that require to be answered is the relationship between the farm land dispute that led to the crisis which caused the killings of Innocent Fulani Nomads in the areas mentioned above by the kataf youth in which two innocent Fulani nomads were killed at Ungwan Gaiya near the palace of the Chief of Kataf in the house of Alhaji Ja’e who has been leaving in the area for almost a century.”
“The two men that were killed are;  Abdullahi Ja’e and Pate Ja’e who were in their early thirties. Another two young men with an elderly woman were killed at Ungwan Juju. Four others were killed at Gora Sagwaza and one person was killed at Matai. Their names and pictures would be publish in our future press releases. ”

“We also condemned the Barbaric acts of the kataf youth who waylayed and killed some Fulani Nomads who were passing by through the International Cattle Routes which cross the areas on their ways to Bauchi state.’

“Their cattle’s and other belongings were destroyed or theft by the blood tasty kataf youths. The number of those that were killed and sheep are yet to be confirmed.”

“We are appealing to the government of kaduna state to fish out the perpetrators these Barbaric and wanton killings and bring them to book for prosecution. We also call on the international community to stand as witness to this brutality, mayhem and infamy against the innocent and productive Fu Pandalani nomads,” they said.


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