Brazilian President Tested For Coronavirus


Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro flouted social distancing guidelines on Sunday, as his country faces one of the world’s worst coronavirus outbreaks, with the death toll rising sharply over the weekend.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been tested for the novel coronavirus, local media cited the president’s office as saying on Monday.

The right-wing populist president, who has been dismissive of the illness as a ‘little flu’, had shown symptoms and run a fever before taking a test at the military hospital in the capital Brasilia, news portal UOL reported.

He also had his chest X-rayed.

On Monday, Bolsonaro was seen in public wearing a face mask and reportedly told a supporter not to come too close.

The president had previously been seen several times in public without a face mask, which is compulsory in Brasilia.

The 65-year-old has already been tested three times for the virus.