Philanthropist, Toyin Kolade Appreciates God As She Celebrates Birthday


Princess Toyin Kolade

Psalm 90 vs 12 says ‘so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart unto wisdom.’

July 13th of every year is a time to really reflect the God’s goodness in the life of a celebrated philanthropist, Princess Toyin Kolade. This was repeated on Monday July, 13, 2020 as the good Lord added another year to her age.

Princess Toyin Kolade’s heart was obviously filled with thanksgiving as she sang praises to the Almighty God as Coronavirus couldn’t stop the celebration, but only limited the number of people, who attended the low key event in her residence in Lagos.

The celebration was kick-started with songs of praises to the Almighty God and this followed with prayer led by the man of God filled with the Holy Spirit and in-charge of Christ the Merciful Bible Church, Prophet Olusegun Adeleke.

“I have every cause to be thankful to the Almighty God,” says the celebrant, who added that it is only when one is alive that one could celebrate his or her birthday.

“I give thanks to the Almighty God for sparing my life to witness this day. I am very grateful to the Almighty God for making it possible for me to see another year alive despite the outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic, which has claimed so many lives in Nigeria and in the world,” she said.

Iyalaje of the source, as Toyin Kolade is fondly called, couldn’t hide her joy for what the good Lord has done in her life; “God is merciful, in as much as one prays to God, you keep asking Him, definitely God will continue to do whatever you ask from Him,” was her answer when she was asked if there was anything she ‘s asked from God, which she was yet to receive it.

“My golden advice for Nigerians is for them to keep obeying every rule and guideline given by the NCDC and the Ministry of Health. We should keep social distance because COVID-19 is real. It would not come near us and we would not partake in it in Jesus Name,” she said.

In his own birthday wishes to the celebrant, Prophet Olusegun Adeleke, wished her good health, long life and prosperity.

Princess (Dr.) Toyin Kolade

“I feel great and I am very happy for today. Princess Toyin Kolade is my mum, but I call her my daughter in the Lord because of God’s anointing upon my life. Infact, she welcomed me anytime we see each other ever since I met her. I feel great to celebrate with her, my prayer for her is for God to give her long life and may she witness more of this day on earth with good health and prosperity in Jesus Name,” he said.