CAN Protests Southern Kaduna Killings, Demands Protection


Members of the Kaduna State chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria on Sunday protested against the persistent killings in southern part of the state.

The protests tagged, ‘Prayer/indoor protest on Southern Kaduna killings,’ took place at the Evangelical Church of Winning All, Narayi, in the Chikun Local Government Area of the state.

The Christian body also declared a one-month prayer for God to intervene in Southern Kaduna.

The protesters displayed placards with inscriptions such as ‘Live and let live,’ ‘You are fighting God,’ ‘CAN say no to killings,’ and ‘Who are you protecting, the killers or the citizens?”

According to the state CAN Chairman, Rev. John Hayab, the Presidency should stop speaking for the bandits that are out to wipe out the people of Southern Kaduna.

Hayab said the government must wake up to its responsibility of protecting lives and property and “put the bandits on the run, so there will be peace in Southern Kaduna.”

He added that many Nigerians fought and gave their lives for democracy but “not what is happening today” under the current government.

The CAN boss said, “We have challenges of killings, especially in the Southern Kaduna.. We have cried out but what we see happening is that government instead of listening to our cry and attending to our cry, seems to be speaking for the killers.

“So, we said since we don’t have anybody to speak for us, we called on Christians, declaring a whole month (August) every Sunday like this, we meet and speak to ourselves and expressed our grievances to the entire world.

“We are all simply saying, stop the killings. We don’t want anything or favour from them. The constitution of the country says government should protect us, but we seem not to be protected.”

Source: The PUNCH


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