9ijakids Stories Draw Over 11,000 Readers On Google Read Along App


Indigenous Edtech company, 9ijakids has within few weeks of establishing a content sharing agreement with global technology giant, Google, pulled huge traffic to Google’s Read Along app.

Google launched its Read Along app in 2019 to improve children’s literacy levels and partnered with 9ijakids to help more kids learn to read through its app.

So far within a short time, 9ijakids’ short stories in the Read Along app have been read over 11,000 times.

Vice President of Global Business Development and Co-founder of 9ijakids, Titi Adewusi, noted that by partnering with Google, the organisation tend to advance its goal of bringing African stories to the global stage.

“More importantly, we see this as an opportunity to support the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) goal, an initiative to improve children’s literacy skills.

“The partnership with Google is in line with 9ijakids’ vision to leverage technology, digital content and gamification to help the African child acquire relevant skills needed to become leaders of tomorrow.

” We are sharing African stories and values with the rest of the world”,she said.

As part of its efforts to contain COVID-19 spread, 9ijakids recently launched a safety game, ‘Safety Checkup’ to enhance children’s safety against COVID-19 in schools.


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