Baba Ijesha: We’ll Ensure Ignoble Acts Don’t Go Unpunished – Says Theatre Practitioners


Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN), says it would ensure justice is served in the case of alleged defilement of a minor involving Baba Ijesha, its member.

Actor, whose real name is Olarenwaju James, was recently arrested for allegedly assaulting a 14-year-old girl sexually.
According to the police, the actor allegedly started assaulting the minor since she was seven-year-old.

The development has continued to generate heated backlash, with many Nigerians demanding thorough investigation into the matter and prosecution of the actor if found guilty.

In a statement by Yemi Amodu, its director of research and documentation, TAMPAN condemned the development, noting that the association would never support such “ignoble acts.”

“We find it obligatory to condemn in totality the odious occurrence of pedophilia confessed to by Mr. Olanrewaju James aka Baba Ijesha as confirmed by the police.

Our association TAMPAN is crestfallen about this act and will reproach and remonstrate the committer of such exclusive sexual harassment to prepubescent children,” it read.

“Considering the sensitivity of the case, which is still under investigation according to Lagos state commissioner of Police, TAMPAN will never support all acts against what we preach and represent.

As an association, we understand the mores and social norm of our people and our behavior will always be homiletic. Therefore, we would not fail to support government in its bid to do justice towards ensuring that such ignoble acts are checked within our society.”

The association said the development has demonstrated the need for parents to give their children the freedom to always express themselves so as to tackle the scourge in the society.

“We sympathise with the parents of the victim and also seize this opportunity to charge all parents to give their children or wards freedom to express themselves for a timely arrest of such horrible acts whenever such are committed,” it added.

“Finally, we will always stand for actions that are morally standard and continue to be law-abiding.”


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