Slum King Preview: Will Oro Lede Be Drug Free?


Baale Imole has regained his throne as the rightful Slum King, but his problems are far from over. In his fifteen-year absence, Oro Lede has grown to become a drug-ridden community under Tequila’s watch.

To rid the community of drugs, he has had to shut down warehousing and distribution  of “breaklight” (Tranzoquil) by members of the Alaiberu gang under his control, he has also had to negotiate with the Agbakara gang, a rival cult in Oro Lede. However, the tension between both groups remains palpable.

In the last episode, Baale Imole met with Chief Mbadiwe, a business mogul and former ally of Tequila. While both men discussed how to rid Oro Lede of the menace of drug addiction, the meeting ended fatally for the chief because Imole killed him. A move that could later have repercussions.

Meanwhile, Imole’s decision to appoint Maje as his Second-in-Command (21C) did not go down well with some members of the gang who feel disrespected by having to answer to Maje.

Also, the tension between Imole and his estranged wife, Selense continues to build. Selense, who previously was the de-facto leader when Tequila acted as Slum King for fifteen years, also has her eyes on becoming the Slum King at Imole’s expense.

Meanwhile, Maje is caught between the attention of two women. Dr Kate, his teenage love interest, is currently working as a volunteer doctor in Oro Lede after she concluded her medical studies in the United Kingdom. Their paths crossed when Maje was taken to the hospital for treatment of injuries he sustained when Imole and Tequila clashed.

On the other hand, Yagazie, who has never hidden her desire to be with Maje since their teenage years, is keen to ward off another competition for his love. As such, she detests Kate’s presence in the community. It remains to be seen if the tension between the two women will snowball into a physical confrontation.

This sixth episode which is set to air on Sunday at 8pm promises a lot of drama, action, love and lust. Don’t miss out! Tune in Africa Magic Showcase (GOtv ch 12) at 8pm to watch. If you missed the last episode, you can catch up at 7pm before the new episode airs.


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