Eid el-Kabir: Interswitch Assures Nigerians Of Continuous, Seamless Service


Interswitch Group, a leading African digital payment and e-commerce company, has reiterated its commitment to ensure that there are no disruptions to any of its services during the Eid-el-Kabir celebrations on July 30 and 31, 2020; and beyond.

Amidst unfounded rumours observed to be making the rounds on social media suggesting disruptions in the company’s operations, Interswitch has assured Nigerians that all of the company’s transaction support operations continue to run at full scale, without any hitches whatsoever.

This was contained in a statement from Interswitch on Wednesday, July 29, 2020.
“Consistent with our processes, we have implemented excellent business continuity planning and there are no disruptions whatsoever to our business operations.

Cardholders and the transacting public are assured that all transaction switching, processing and dispute management operations remain fully available and all chargebacks and disputes will be processed according to their regular timelines”, the statement read in part.

It would be recalled that during the nationwide lockdown necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic earlier on in March, Interswitch Group emphasized its commitment to delivering seamless and qualitative services to its customers.

“Just like the scare of our operations disruptions earlier in the year were unfounded, this current rumour is also false. We make bold to say that our business operations are in line with international standards of operation and are continuously updated to ensure that operational issues are well taken care of and our standards are consistent, despite the prevailing environment”, the statement added.

In the statement, the Group noted that while it assures Nigerians of no disruptions to operations and services, it also wishes Muslim faithful and the general public happy Eid-el-Kabir celebrations whilst imploring Nigerians to stay safe.


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